01625 549 159
Using validated psychometric analysis and other assessment techniques, our experts can reduce placement risks when recruiting and promoting; motivating the workforce; identifying future potential and advancing personal development, each adding to profit to your bottom line.Managers need an objective and independent insight into their people if they are to engage an individual’s potential.  Our integrated assessment techniques are not only objective, but they are a proven way to profile and evaluate capability, motivation and personality factors.All our assessment consultants are fully qualified to British Psychological Society standards.  We are able to mobilise our team to any part of the country assessing individuals or teams on-site, locally, or at our offices.


  • Recruitment Assessment
  • Development Assessment (to identify potential)
  • Internal Promotion
  • Team Building
  • Training needs evaluation
  • Employee Counselling
  • Management Team Audit
  • Post Acquisition Human Resource Evaluation

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