Not only skills transfer, but enhancement of behavioural flexibility, reinforcement of confidence, assertiveness and personal projection, as well as crisis intervention, e.g. stress management, are all ideally suited to one-to-one coaching.
Walton Churchill coaches are skilled, qualified and experienced with demonstrable track records.
Case Studies
Julie S. was described by her boss as ‘an impossible person to work with’. After three sessions of training on assertiveness and the dynamics of temperament, Julie and her boss have an excellent working relationship — and Julie has sorted out other interpersonal issues, which were blocking her progress. Her confidence has also increased to a noticeable degree.
Peter B. was referred by his boss because he lacked the drive and proactivity needed following a promotion. After five sessions, focusing on the alignment of personal values and business goals, a marked change in energy, personal impact and positive focus was noted, to the extent that it earned him the nickname, ‘Positive Pete’.
David N. undertook a bespoke programme on sales Management Training. Six months on, his sales team is on target for the first time in three years.
Chris W., chairman of a well-known group of companies, requested coaching in Public speaking. He is now an impactful and confident speaker, recently performing creditably and confidently in South Africa after one to one targeted development.
NB The names of the above have been changed to protect their privacy, but all would be prepared to confirm the effectiveness of their coaching to serious enquirers.